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Frequently Asked Questions

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How far in advance do I need to Order?
For delivery: Please order approximately 3-4 days in advance for delivery. All our trucks carry forklifts, which can unload the sod and place it where it is needed providing there is room to get there. We deliver daily to our local areas. On select days we also deliver to all rural Alberta communities as well as into BC and Saskatchewan.
For Pick Up: Please order one day in advance for pick up.
Can natural grass withstand heavy usage?
How does natural grass sod affect our environment?
Because of today’s ecological concerns, many people are considering natural grass because of the environmental and health benefits it has to offer. Turfgrass sod cools and cleans the atmosphere, releases oxygen, stores carbon, breaks down other harmful pollutants, enriches the soil, helps to minimize dust, provides substantial erosion control, helps groundwater recharge and minimizes stormwater runoff. As it grows, natural grass silently contributes to a healthier environment. For information about the environmental, human health, recreational and community benefits of turfgrass sod, visit
Is a natural grass lawn less work?
Yes, a natural grass sod lawn needs no special care because it is a healthy mature lawn when it is installed, whereas a sprigged, plugged or seeded lawn requires years of nurturing to reach maturity. Natural grass sod is grown under the supervision of agronomists to ensure a healthy, mature lawn is being installed. After it has been installed, just water, mow and fertilize as needed and it will remain a healthy, and esthetically pleasing lawn that requires very little maintenance.
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What kind of vehicle do I need to pickup sod?
A 1/2 ton carries approximately 500 ft2
A 3/4 ton carries approximately 700 ft2
Pallets are 4 ft x 4 ft, cover 700 ft2 and weigh about 3,000 lbs
Please remember to bring your own straps and tarps to secure the load you are picking up.
When is the best time to install my lawn?
Our sod can be installed anytime during the year when it is available. There is no need to wait for the “right” time of the year. Each season has its pros and cons for installation, meaning that anytime through the growing season will work with the proper management.
Is a natural grass lawn a good investment?
Yes – it’s the only way to go from bare soil to a lush lawn in just hours. Yet, it is relatively inexpensive to use. In the few hours it takes to install your turfgrass sod lawn, your property value increases significantly while you enjoy the beauty and convenience it has to offer.
How do I calculate how much sod/soil I need?
Square or regtangular area: length x width
Circular area: 3.14 (pi) x Radius2
Triangle area: base x height divided by 2
Trapezoid area: base A + base B divided by 2 x height
Irregular areas: As best you can, divide the area into sections of regular geometric shapes, calculate the area of each section, then total.
Topsoil calculation: To calculate how many cubic yards of topsoil you need, take your total area in square feet and divide by 9, then divide by 36, then multiply by the depth in inches.
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